Advertising of Dutch gin at the expense of the EU

9 June 2020

The spirits industry receives € 1.5 million for a promotional campaign for Dutch gin in the United States. It is money from the European Union that is distributed by the Dutch government through the implementation agency Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland.

The spirits industry makes use of the so-called EU information and promotion subsidies that have been created to promote European agricultural products.

Meanwhile, the Dutch government is trying to curb drinking. State Secretary Paul Blokhuis of Public Health therefore finds the subsidy inappropriate. "Our Dutch policy aimed at combating problematic alcohol consumption does not include government support for the promotion of alcoholic beverages", he says.
When STAP-director Wim van Dalen learns about the gin campaign, he says that this is "absurd". "It is good that this is now being reported. I hope something happens to it."

SpiritsNL chairman Joep Stassen, however, finds it perfectly logical that producers of spirits are also eligible for this type of subsidy. "We are an agricultural product. In addition to grain, there may also be corn or cranberry in gin, for example."


advertising-of-dutch-gin-at-the-expense-of-the-eu.pdfadvertising-of-dutch-gin-at-the-expense-of-the-eu.pdf (498 kB)


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