Inventory of possible next steps towards the ambitions for 2040

6 April 2021

Problematic alcohol consumption and obesity are most effectively tackled with measures that significantly affect the availability and accessibility of alcohol and unhealthy food, according to a new study of the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), which was carried out at the request of outgoing State Secretary Paul Blokhuis (CU) of Public Health.

In 2018 the National Prevention Agreement was concluded. The document consists of a package of projects and measures on reducing smoking, overweight and problematic alcohol use. At that time an initial analysis of RIVM showed that the high ambitions from the National Prevention Agreement call for sharper measures. The projects and measures of the agreement would not be sufficient to achieve the targets for problematic drinking and overweight by 2040.

RIVM was commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS) to examine what additional measures are necessary to further reduce problematic drinking and overweight. To this end, RIVM carried out a literature review and drew up an inventory of measures which, according to experts, will have impact. The ten best measures for combating problematic alcohol consumption and for combating overweight were then selected.

A number of price-related measures are included in the top ten measures to fight problematic alcohol consumption. For example, the experts advocate raising the excise duty, introducing a minimum unit price and banning promotional discounts on alcohol. Moreover, they recommend against advertising alcohol in places where a lot of young people congregate, such as at sports clubs, and that alcoholic beverages only be sold at liquor stores. More education about the detrimental effects of alcohol is advised as well.

The research did not take into account the feasibility of the proposed measures. For example whether there is sufficient support or resources. Furthermore, a calculation of the impact of measures is required to assess whether to what extent the targets will be within reach.


rivm---inventarisatie-aanvullende-maatregelen-nationaal-preventieakkoord2_1.pdfrivm---inventarisatie-aanvullende-maatregelen-nationaal-preventieakkoord2_1.pdf (1,13 MB)


Dutch Institute for Alcohol Policy STAP
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The Netherlands
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